Transportation Services
Intermodal Transport Services
Our intermodal crane trucks are capable of lifting and moving fully-loaded conex shipping containers, up to 72,000 pounds at intermodal railyards, ports, and from the ground. We lift conex containers straight up, and we set them straight down (no tilting)! Orbital Transport intermodal trucks can safely transport and handle fully loaded 10, 20, 40, and, 45 foot Conex storage containers!
Orbital Transport offers drayage services along with national delivery and limited delivery into Canada! We can ship your container, rent you a container, or move a 3rd parties container for you. Visit our service area page to see how large our service area is!
Depend on our pros to share the load.
When it comes to shipping containers, you can forget about the complexities and leave the logistics to the pros at Orbital Transport. If it has been in a shipping container, we have loaded it, moved it, and stored it.
So if you have any questions about your cargo container needs, give us a call and we will be more than happy to walk you through any questions you may have.